Friday, 17 November 2023
The Buffalo Club | 388 Delaware Avenue | Jacket and tie required
1100 Registration • 1200 Lunch & Program
Keynote Address
Maurice L. “Chipp” Naylon IV
After growing up in Buffalo, New York and graduating from Canisius High School, Maurice L. Naylon IV (“Chipp”) attended the United States Naval Academy. Upon graduation, he received a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. In his nine years with the Marines, Chipp served as an infantry officer in a variety of roles, to include a tour as a combat advisor in Afghanistan. Following his time in service, he and his wife, Jenna, settled in Richmond, Virginia, where Chipp currently works as a CPA and real estate developer.
Scholarships & Awards
Event Registration
ATTENDANCE LIMITED TO 100 for this event. Please RSVP by 3 November 2023 to Scott R. McManigle: to reserve your seat. Thank you for your support